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Storage Engine API
This is the complete list of members for mongo::Collection, including all inherited members.
_impl() const | mongo::Collection | inlineprivate |
_impl() | mongo::Collection | inlineprivate |
_pimpl | mongo::Collection | private |
aboutToDeleteCapped(OperationContext *const opCtx, const RecordId &loc, const RecordData data) final | mongo::Collection | inlineprivatevirtual |
averageObjectSize(OperationContext *const opCtx) const | mongo::Collection | inline |
cappedTruncateAfter(OperationContext *const opCtx, const RecordId end, const bool inclusive) | mongo::Collection | inline |
Collection(OperationContext *const opCtx, const StringData fullNS, OptionalCollectionUUID uuid, CollectionCatalogEntry *const details, RecordStore *const recordStore, DatabaseCatalogEntry *const dbce) | mongo::Collection | inlineexplicit |
Collection(std::unique_ptr< Impl > mock) | mongo::Collection | inlineexplicit |
compact(OperationContext *const opCtx, const CompactOptions *const options) | mongo::Collection | inline |
DatabaseImpl class | mongo::Collection | friend |
dataSize(OperationContext *const opCtx) const | mongo::Collection | inline |
dbce() const | mongo::Collection | inlineprivate |
deleteDocument(OperationContext *const opCtx, StmtId stmtId, const RecordId &loc, OpDebug *const opDebug, const bool fromMigrate=false, const bool noWarn=false, StoreDeletedDoc storeDeletedDoc=StoreDeletedDoc::Off) | mongo::Collection | inline |
details() const | mongo::Collection | inlineprivate |
docFor(OperationContext *const opCtx, const RecordId &loc) const | mongo::Collection | inline |
ERROR_V enum value | mongo::Collection | |
findDoc(OperationContext *const opCtx, const RecordId &loc, Snapshotted< BSONObj > *const out) const | mongo::Collection | inline |
getCappedInsertNotifier() const | mongo::Collection | inline |
getCatalogEntry() | mongo::Collection | inline |
getCatalogEntry() const | mongo::Collection | inline |
getCursor(OperationContext *const opCtx, const bool forward=true) const | mongo::Collection | inline |
getCursorManager() const | mongo::Collection | inline |
getDefaultCollator() const | mongo::Collection | inline |
getIndexCatalog() const | mongo::Collection | inline |
getIndexCatalog() | mongo::Collection | inline |
getIndexSize(OperationContext *const opCtx, BSONObjBuilder *const details=nullptr, const int scale=1) | mongo::Collection | inline |
getManyCursors(OperationContext *const opCtx) const | mongo::Collection | inline |
getMinimumVisibleSnapshot() | mongo::Collection | inline |
getRecordStore() const | mongo::Collection | inline |
getRecordStore() | mongo::Collection | inline |
getValidationAction() const | mongo::Collection | inline |
getValidationLevel() const | mongo::Collection | inline |
haveCappedWaiters() | mongo::Collection | inlinevirtual |
IndexCatalogImpl class | mongo::Collection | friend |
infoCache() | mongo::Collection | inline |
infoCache() const | mongo::Collection | inline |
insertDocument(OperationContext *const opCtx, const InsertStatement &doc, OpDebug *const opDebug, const bool enforceQuota, const bool fromMigrate=false) | mongo::Collection | inline |
insertDocument(OperationContext *const opCtx, const BSONObj &doc, const std::vector< MultiIndexBlock *> &indexBlocks, const bool enforceQuota) | mongo::Collection | inline |
insertDocuments(OperationContext *const opCtx, const std::vector< InsertStatement >::const_iterator begin, const std::vector< InsertStatement >::const_iterator end, OpDebug *const opDebug, const bool enforceQuota, const bool fromMigrate=false) | mongo::Collection | inline |
insertDocumentsForOplog(OperationContext *const opCtx, const DocWriter *const *const docs, Timestamp *timestamps, const size_t nDocs) | mongo::Collection | inline |
isCapped() const | mongo::Collection | inline |
MODERATE enum value | mongo::Collection | |
MONGO_DECLARE_SHIM((Collection *_this, OperationContext *opCtx, StringData fullNS, OptionalCollectionUUID uuid, CollectionCatalogEntry *details, RecordStore *recordStore, DatabaseCatalogEntry *dbce, PrivateTo< Collection >) ->std::unique_ptr< Impl >) makeImpl | mongo::Collection | static |
MONGO_DECLARE_SHIM((StringData) ->StatusWith< ValidationLevel >) parseValidationLevel | mongo::Collection | static |
MONGO_DECLARE_SHIM((StringData) ->StatusWith< ValidationAction >) parseValidationAction | mongo::Collection | static |
notifyCappedWaitersIfNeeded() | mongo::Collection | inlinevirtual |
ns() const | mongo::Collection | inline |
numRecords(OperationContext *const opCtx) const | mongo::Collection | inline |
OFF enum value | mongo::Collection | |
ok() const | mongo::Collection | inline |
parseValidator(OperationContext *opCtx, const BSONObj &validator, MatchExpressionParser::AllowedFeatureSet allowedFeatures, boost::optional< ServerGlobalParams::FeatureCompatibility::Version > maxFeatureCompatibilityVersion) const | mongo::Collection | inline |
recordStoreGoingToUpdateInPlace(OperationContext *const opCtx, const RecordId &loc) final | mongo::Collection | inlineprivatevirtual |
refreshUUID(OperationContext *opCtx) | mongo::Collection | inline |
requiresIdIndex() const | mongo::Collection | inline |
setMinimumVisibleSnapshot(const Timestamp name) | mongo::Collection | inline |
setValidationAction(OperationContext *const opCtx, const StringData newAction) | mongo::Collection | inline |
setValidationLevel(OperationContext *const opCtx, const StringData newLevel) | mongo::Collection | inline |
setValidator(OperationContext *const opCtx, const BSONObj validator) | mongo::Collection | inline |
StoreDeletedDoc enum name | mongo::Collection | |
STRICT_V enum value | mongo::Collection | |
touch(OperationContext *const opCtx, const bool touchData, const bool touchIndexes, BSONObjBuilder *const output) const | mongo::Collection | inline |
truncate(OperationContext *const opCtx) | mongo::Collection | inline |
updateDocument(OperationContext *const opCtx, const RecordId &oldLocation, const Snapshotted< BSONObj > &oldDoc, const BSONObj &newDoc, const bool enforceQuota, const bool indexesAffected, OpDebug *const opDebug, OplogUpdateEntryArgs *const args) | mongo::Collection | inline |
updateDocumentWithDamages(OperationContext *const opCtx, const RecordId &loc, const Snapshotted< RecordData > &oldRec, const char *const damageSource, const mutablebson::DamageVector &damages, OplogUpdateEntryArgs *const args) | mongo::Collection | inline |
updateValidator(OperationContext *opCtx, BSONObj newValidator, StringData newLevel, StringData newAction) | mongo::Collection | inline |
updateWithDamagesSupported() const | mongo::Collection | inline |
uuid() const | mongo::Collection | inline |
validate(OperationContext *const opCtx, const ValidateCmdLevel level, bool background, std::unique_ptr< Lock::CollectionLock > collLk, ValidateResults *const results, BSONObjBuilder *const output) | mongo::Collection | inline |
ValidationAction enum name | mongo::Collection | |
ValidationLevel enum name | mongo::Collection | |
WARN enum value | mongo::Collection | |
~CappedCallback() | mongo::CappedCallback | inlineprivatevirtual |
~Collection()=default | mongo::Collection | inline |
~UpdateNotifier() | mongo::UpdateNotifier | inlineprivatevirtual |