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Storage Engine API
This is the complete list of members for mongo::SimpleRecordStoreV1, including all inherited members.
_addRecordToRecListInExtent(OperationContext *opCtx, MmapV1RecordHeader *r, DiskLoc loc) | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | protected |
_allocFromExistingExtents(OperationContext *opCtx, int lengthWithHeaders) | mongo::SimpleRecordStoreV1 | private |
_compactExtent(OperationContext *opCtx, const DiskLoc diskloc, int extentNumber, RecordStoreCompactAdaptor *adaptor, const CompactOptions *compactOptions, CompactStats *stats) | mongo::SimpleRecordStoreV1 | private |
_details | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | protected |
_extentManager | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | protected |
_findFirstSpot(OperationContext *opCtx, const DiskLoc &extDiskLoc, Extent *e) | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | protected |
_getExtent(OperationContext *opCtx, const DiskLoc &loc) const | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | protected |
_getExtentLocForRecord(OperationContext *opCtx, const DiskLoc &loc) const | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | protected |
_getNextRecord(OperationContext *opCtx, const DiskLoc &loc) const | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | protected |
_getNextRecordInExtent(OperationContext *opCtx, const DiskLoc &loc) const | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | protected |
_getPrevRecord(OperationContext *opCtx, const DiskLoc &loc) const | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | protected |
_getPrevRecordInExtent(OperationContext *opCtx, const DiskLoc &loc) const | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | protected |
_insertRecord(OperationContext *opCtx, const char *data, int len, bool enforceQuota) | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | protected |
_isSystemIndexes | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | protected |
_normalCollection | mongo::SimpleRecordStoreV1 | private |
_ns | mongo::RecordStore | protected |
addDeletedRec(OperationContext *opCtx, const DiskLoc &dloc) | mongo::SimpleRecordStoreV1 | protectedvirtual |
allocRecord(OperationContext *opCtx, int lengthWithHeaders, bool enforceQuota) | mongo::SimpleRecordStoreV1 | protectedvirtual |
appendCustomStats(OperationContext *opCtx, BSONObjBuilder *result, double scale) const | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | virtual |
bucket(int size) | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | static |
Buckets | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | static |
bucketSizes | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | static |
cappedTruncateAfter(OperationContext *opCtx, RecordId end, bool inclusive) | mongo::SimpleRecordStoreV1 | inlinevirtual |
compact(OperationContext *opCtx, RecordStoreCompactAdaptor *adaptor, const CompactOptions *options, CompactStats *stats) | mongo::SimpleRecordStoreV1 | virtual |
compactsInPlace() const | mongo::SimpleRecordStoreV1 | inlinevirtual |
compactSupported() const | mongo::SimpleRecordStoreV1 | inlinevirtual |
dataFor(OperationContext *opCtx, const RecordId &loc) const | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | virtual |
dataSize(OperationContext *opCtx) const | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | inlinevirtual |
deletedRecordFor(const DiskLoc &loc) const | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | protected |
deleteRecord(OperationContext *opCtx, const RecordId &dl) | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | virtual |
details() const | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | inline |
drec(const DiskLoc &loc) const | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | protectedvirtual |
findRecord(OperationContext *opCtx, const RecordId &loc, RecordData *rd) const | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | virtual |
getCursor(OperationContext *opCtx, bool forward) const final | mongo::SimpleRecordStoreV1 | virtual |
getCursorForRepair(OperationContext *opCtx) const | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | virtual |
getExtentLocForRecord(OperationContext *opCtx, const DiskLoc &loc) const | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | |
getManyCursors(OperationContext *opCtx) const final | mongo::SimpleRecordStoreV1 | virtual |
getNextRecord(OperationContext *opCtx, const DiskLoc &loc) const | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | |
getNextRecordInExtent(OperationContext *opCtx, const DiskLoc &loc) const | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | |
getPrevRecord(OperationContext *opCtx, const DiskLoc &loc) const | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | |
getPrevRecordInExtent(OperationContext *opCtx, const DiskLoc &loc) const | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | |
getRandomCursor(OperationContext *opCtx) const | mongo::RecordStore | inlinevirtual |
increaseStorageSize(OperationContext *opCtx, int size, bool enforceQuota) | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | |
insertRecord(OperationContext *opCtx, const char *data, int len, Timestamp, bool enforceQuota) | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | virtual |
insertRecords(OperationContext *opCtx, std::vector< Record > *records, std::vector< Timestamp > *timestamps, bool enforceQuota) | mongo::RecordStore | inlinevirtual |
insertRecordsWithDocWriter(OperationContext *opCtx, const DocWriter *const *docs, const Timestamp *, size_t nDocs, RecordId *idsOut) final | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | virtual |
insertRecordWithDocWriter(OperationContext *opCtx, const DocWriter *doc, Timestamp timestamp) | mongo::RecordStore | inline |
isCapped() const | mongo::SimpleRecordStoreV1 | inlineprotectedvirtual |
isInRecordIdOrder() const | mongo::RecordStore | inlinevirtual |
isQuantized(int recordSize) | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | static |
MaxAllowedAllocation | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | static |
name() const | mongo::SimpleRecordStoreV1 | inlinevirtual |
ns() const | mongo::RecordStore | inlinevirtual |
numRecords(OperationContext *opCtx) const | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | inlinevirtual |
oplogDiskLocRegister(OperationContext *opCtx, const Timestamp &opTime, bool orderedCommit) | mongo::RecordStore | inlinevirtual |
oplogStartHack(OperationContext *opCtx, const RecordId &startingPosition) const | mongo::RecordStore | inlinevirtual |
quantizeAllocationSpace(int minSize) | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | static |
recordFor(const DiskLoc &loc) const | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | protectedvirtual |
RecordStore(StringData ns) | mongo::RecordStore | inline |
RecordStoreV1Base(StringData ns, RecordStoreV1MetaData *details, ExtentManager *em, bool isSystemIndexes) | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | |
savedCursors | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | |
setCappedCallback(CappedCallback *) | mongo::RecordStore | inlinevirtual |
shouldPadInserts() const | mongo::SimpleRecordStoreV1 | inlineprotectedvirtual |
SimpleRecordStoreV1(OperationContext *opCtx, StringData ns, RecordStoreV1MetaData *details, ExtentManager *em, bool isSystemIndexes) | mongo::SimpleRecordStoreV1 | |
SimpleRecordStoreV1Iterator class | mongo::SimpleRecordStoreV1 | friend |
storageSize(OperationContext *opCtx, BSONObjBuilder *extraInfo=NULL, int level=0) const | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | virtual |
touch(OperationContext *opCtx, BSONObjBuilder *output) const | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | virtual |
truncate(OperationContext *opCtx) | mongo::SimpleRecordStoreV1 | virtual |
updateCappedSize(OperationContext *opCtx, long long cappedSize) | mongo::RecordStore | inlinevirtual |
updateRecord(OperationContext *opCtx, const RecordId &oldLocation, const char *data, int len, bool enforceQuota, UpdateNotifier *notifier) | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | virtual |
updateStatsAfterRepair(OperationContext *opCtx, long long numRecords, long long dataSize) | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | inlinevirtual |
updateWithDamages(OperationContext *opCtx, const RecordId &loc, const RecordData &oldRec, const char *damageSource, const mutablebson::DamageVector &damages) | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | virtual |
updateWithDamagesSupported() const | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | virtual |
validate(OperationContext *opCtx, ValidateCmdLevel level, ValidateAdaptor *adaptor, ValidateResults *results, BSONObjBuilder *output) | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | virtual |
waitForAllEarlierOplogWritesToBeVisible(OperationContext *opCtx) const override | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | inlinevirtual |
~RecordStore() | mongo::RecordStore | inlinevirtual |
~RecordStoreV1Base() | mongo::RecordStoreV1Base | virtual |
~SimpleRecordStoreV1() | mongo::SimpleRecordStoreV1 | virtual |