template<class KeyType, class ValueType>
template<class MapType, class IteratorValueType, class IteratorType>
class mongo::FastMapNoAlloc< KeyType, ValueType >::IteratorImpl< MapType, IteratorValueType, IteratorType >
Forward-only iterator.
Does not synchronize with the underlying collection in any way. In other words, do not modify the collection while there is an open iterator on it.
template<class KeyType, class ValueType>
template<class MapType , class IteratorValueType , class IteratorType >
Returns whether the iterator has been exhausted through calls to next.
This value can be used to determine whether a previous call to find has found something.
template<class KeyType, class ValueType>
template<class MapType , class IteratorValueType , class IteratorType >
Returns the key of the value at the current position.
Cannot be called with an uninitialized iterator or iterator which has reached the end.
template<class KeyType, class ValueType>
template<class MapType , class IteratorValueType , class IteratorType >
Advances the iterator to the next entry.
No particular order of iteration is guaranteed.
template<class KeyType, class ValueType>
template<class MapType , class IteratorValueType , class IteratorType >
Returns the address of the object at the current position.
Cannot be called with an uninitialized iterator, or iterator which has reached the end.
template<class KeyType, class ValueType>
template<class MapType , class IteratorValueType , class IteratorType >
Removes the element at the current position and moves the iterator to the next, which might be the last entry on the map.