bool | isEmpty () const override |
bool | hasUserData () const override |
int64_t | sizeOnDisk (OperationContext *opCtx) const override |
void | appendExtraStats (OperationContext *opCtx, BSONObjBuilder *out, double scale) const override |
bool | isOlderThan24 (OperationContext *opCtx) const override |
void | markIndexSafe24AndUp (OperationContext *opCtx) override |
Status | currentFilesCompatible (OperationContext *opCtx) const override |
| Returns whethers the data files are compatible with the current code: More...
void | getCollectionNamespaces (std::list< std::string > *out) const override |
CollectionCatalogEntry * | getCollectionCatalogEntry (StringData ns) const override |
RecordStore * | getRecordStore (StringData ns) const override |
Status | createCollection (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData ns, const CollectionOptions &options, bool allocateDefaultSpace) override |
Status | renameCollection (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData fromNS, StringData toNS, bool stayTemp) override |
Status | dropCollection (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData ns) override |
void | initCollection (OperationContext *opCtx, const std::string &ns, bool forRepair) |
void | initCollectionBeforeRepair (OperationContext *opCtx, const std::string &ns) |
void | reinitCollectionAfterRepair (OperationContext *opCtx, const std::string &ns) |
| DatabaseCatalogEntry (StringData name) |