Global exclusive lock.
Allows exclusive write access to all databases and collections, blocking all other access. Allows further (recursive) acquisition of the global lock in any mode, see LockMode.
| GlobalWrite (OperationContext *opCtx) |
| GlobalWrite (OperationContext *opCtx, Date_t deadline, InterruptBehavior behavior) |
| GlobalLock (OperationContext *opCtx, LockMode lockMode) |
| A GlobalLock without a deadline defaults to Date_t::max() and an InterruptBehavior of kThrow. More...
| GlobalLock (OperationContext *opCtx, LockMode lockMode, Date_t deadline, InterruptBehavior behavior) |
| A GlobalLock with a deadline requires the interrupt behavior to be explicitly defined. More...
| GlobalLock (GlobalLock &&) |
| GlobalLock (OperationContext *opCtx, LockMode lockMode, Date_t deadline, InterruptBehavior behavior, EnqueueOnly enqueueOnly) |
| Enqueues lock but does not block on lock acquisition. More...
| ~GlobalLock () |
void | waitForLockUntil (Date_t deadline) |
| Waits for lock to be granted. More...
bool | isLocked () const |