| LockerForTests (LockMode globalLockMode) |
| ~LockerForTests () |
| LockerImpl () |
| Instantiates new locker. More...
virtual | ~LockerImpl () |
virtual ClientState | getClientState () const |
| Return whether client is holding any locks (active), or is queued on any locks or waiting for a ticket (throttled). More...
virtual LockerId | getId () const |
stdx::thread::id | getThreadId () const override |
| Get a platform-specific thread identifier of the thread which owns the this locker for tracing purposes. More...
void | updateThreadIdToCurrentThread () override |
| Updates any cached thread id values to represent the current thread. More...
void | unsetThreadId () override |
| Clears any cached thread id values. More...
void | setSharedLocksShouldTwoPhaseLock (bool sharedLocksShouldTwoPhaseLock) override |
| Indicate that shared locks should participate in two-phase locking for this Locker instance. More...
void | setMaxLockTimeout (Milliseconds maxTimeout) override |
| This is useful to ensure that potential deadlocks do not occur. More...
bool | hasMaxLockTimeout () override |
| Returns whether this Locker has a maximum lock timeout set. More...
void | unsetMaxLockTimeout () override |
| Clears the max lock timeout override set by setMaxLockTimeout() above. More...
virtual LockResult | lockGlobal (OperationContext *opCtx, LockMode mode) |
| This should be the first method invoked for a particular Locker object. More...
virtual LockResult | lockGlobal (LockMode mode) |
virtual LockResult | lockGlobalBegin (OperationContext *opCtx, LockMode mode, Date_t deadline) |
| Requests the global lock to be acquired in the specified mode. More...
virtual LockResult | lockGlobalBegin (LockMode mode, Date_t deadline) |
virtual LockResult | lockGlobalComplete (OperationContext *opCtx, Date_t deadline) |
| Calling lockGlobalComplete without an OperationContext does not allow the lock acquisition to be interrupted. More...
virtual LockResult | lockGlobalComplete (Date_t deadline) |
virtual void | lockMMAPV1Flush () |
| This method is used only in the MMAP V1 storage engine, otherwise it is a no-op. More...
virtual void | downgradeGlobalXtoSForMMAPV1 () |
| This is only necessary for the MMAP V1 engine and in particular, the fsyncLock command which needs to first acquire the global lock in X-mode for truncating the journal and then downgrade to S before it blocks. More...
virtual bool | unlockGlobal () |
| Decrements the reference count on the global lock. More...
virtual void | beginWriteUnitOfWork () |
| beginWriteUnitOfWork/endWriteUnitOfWork are called at the start and end of WriteUnitOfWorks. More...
virtual void | endWriteUnitOfWork () |
virtual bool | inAWriteUnitOfWork () const |
virtual LockResult | lock (OperationContext *opCtx, ResourceId resId, LockMode mode, Date_t deadline=Date_t::max(), bool checkDeadlock=false) |
| Requests a lock for resource 'resId' with mode 'mode'. More...
virtual LockResult | lock (ResourceId resId, LockMode mode, Date_t deadline=Date_t::max(), bool checkDeadlock=false) |
| Calling lock without an OperationContext does not allow LOCK_WAITING states to be interrupted. More...
virtual void | downgrade (ResourceId resId, LockMode newMode) |
| Downgrades the specified resource's lock mode without changing the reference count. More...
virtual bool | unlock (ResourceId resId) |
| Releases a lock previously acquired through a lock call. More...
virtual LockMode | getLockMode (ResourceId resId) const |
| Retrieves the mode in which a lock is held or checks whether the lock held for a particular resource covers the specified mode. More...
virtual bool | isLockHeldForMode (ResourceId resId, LockMode mode) const |
virtual bool | isDbLockedForMode (StringData dbName, LockMode mode) const |
virtual bool | isCollectionLockedForMode (StringData ns, LockMode mode) const |
virtual ResourceId | getWaitingResource () const |
| Returns the resource that this locker is waiting/blocked on (if any). More...
virtual void | getLockerInfo (LockerInfo *lockerInfo) const |
virtual boost::optional< LockerInfo > | getLockerInfo () const final |
| Returns boost::none if this is an instance of LockerNoop, or a populated LockerInfo otherwise. More...
virtual bool | saveLockStateAndUnlock (LockSnapshot *stateOut) |
| Retrieves all locks held by this transaction, other than RESOURCE_MUTEX locks, and what mode they're held in. More...
virtual void | restoreLockState (OperationContext *opCtx, const LockSnapshot &stateToRestore) |
| Re-locks all locks whose state was stored in 'stateToRestore'. More...
virtual void | restoreLockState (const LockSnapshot &stateToRestore) |
virtual void | releaseTicket () |
| Releases the ticket associated with the Locker. More...
virtual void | reacquireTicket (OperationContext *opCtx) |
| Reacquires a ticket for the Locker. More...
LockResult | lockBegin (OperationContext *opCtx, ResourceId resId, LockMode mode) |
| Allows for lock requests to be requested in a non-blocking way. More...
LockResult | lockComplete (OperationContext *opCtx, ResourceId resId, LockMode mode, Date_t deadline, bool checkDeadlock) |
| Waits for the completion of a lock, previously requested through lockBegin or lockGlobalBegin. More...
LockResult | lockComplete (ResourceId resId, LockMode mode, Date_t deadline, bool checkDeadlock) |
FastMapNoAlloc< ResourceId, LockRequest > | getRequestsForTest () const |
| This function is for unit testing only. More...
virtual void | dump () const |
virtual bool | isW () const |
virtual bool | isR () const |
virtual bool | isLocked () const |
virtual bool | isWriteLocked () const |
virtual bool | isReadLocked () const |
bool | isGlobalLockedRecursively () override |
virtual bool | hasLockPending () const |
| Pending means we are currently trying to get a lock (could be the parallel batch writer lock). More...
virtual | ~Locker () |
virtual bool | isNoop () const |
| Returns true if this is an instance of LockerNoop. More...
void | setShouldConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplication (bool newValue) |
| If set to false, this opts out of conflicting with replication's use of the ParallelBatchWriterMode lock. More...
bool | shouldConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplication () const |
void | setShouldAcquireTicket (bool newValue) |
| If set to false, this opts out of the ticket mechanism. More...
bool | shouldAcquireTicket () const |
unsigned | numResourcesToUnlockAtEndUnitOfWorkForTest () const |
| This function is for unit testing only. More...