| MobileKVEngine (const std::string &path) |
RecoveryUnit * | newRecoveryUnit () override |
Status | createRecordStore (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData ns, StringData ident, const CollectionOptions &options) override |
| The create and drop methods on KVEngine are not transactional. More...
std::unique_ptr< RecordStore > | getRecordStore (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData ns, StringData ident, const CollectionOptions &options) override |
| Having multiple out for the same ns is a rules violation; Calling on a non-created ident is invalid and may crash. More...
Status | createSortedDataInterface (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData ident, const IndexDescriptor *desc) override |
SortedDataInterface * | getSortedDataInterface (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData ident, const IndexDescriptor *desc) override |
Status | beginBackup (OperationContext *opCtx) override |
| See StorageEngine::beginBackup for details. More...
void | endBackup (OperationContext *opCtx) override |
| See StorageEngine::endBackup for details. More...
Status | dropIdent (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData ident) override |
bool | supportsDocLocking () const override |
| This must not change over the lifetime of the engine. More...
bool | supportsDBLocking () const override |
| This must not change over the lifetime of the engine. More...
bool | supportsCappedCollections () const override |
| This must not change over the lifetime of the engine. More...
bool | supportsDirectoryPerDB () const override |
| Returns true if storage engine supports –directoryperdb. More...
bool | isDurable () const override |
int | flushAllFiles (OperationContext *opCtx, bool sync) override |
| Flush is a no-op since SQLite transactions are durable by default after each commit. More...
bool | isEphemeral () const override |
| Returns true if the KVEngine is ephemeral – that is, it is NOT persistent and all data is lost after shutdown. More...
int64_t | getIdentSize (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData ident) override |
| Note: this counts the total number of bytes in the key and value columns, not the actual number of bytes on disk used by this ident. More...
Status | repairIdent (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData ident) override |
void | cleanShutdown () override |
| This method will be called before there is a clean shutdown. More...
bool | hasIdent (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData ident) const override |
std::vector< std::string > | getAllIdents (OperationContext *opCtx) const override |
void | setJournalListener (JournalListener *jl) override |
| Sets a new JournalListener, which is used to alert the rest of the system about journaled write progress. More...
virtual Timestamp | getAllCommittedTimestamp () const override |
| See StorageEngine::getAllCommittedTimestamp More...
virtual std::unique_ptr< RecordStore > | getGroupedRecordStore (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData ns, StringData ident, const CollectionOptions &options, KVPrefix prefix) |
| Get a RecordStore that may share an underlying table with other RecordStores. More...
virtual SortedDataInterface * | getGroupedSortedDataInterface (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData ident, const IndexDescriptor *desc, KVPrefix prefix) |
| Get a SortedDataInterface that may share an underlying table with other SortedDataInterface. More...
virtual Status | createGroupedRecordStore (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData ns, StringData ident, const CollectionOptions &options, KVPrefix prefix) |
| Create a RecordStore that MongoDB considers eligible to share space in an underlying table with other RecordStores. More...
virtual Status | createGroupedSortedDataInterface (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData ident, const IndexDescriptor *desc, KVPrefix prefix) |
| Create a SortedDataInterface that MongoDB considers eligible to share space in an underlying table with other SortedDataInterfaces. More...
virtual void | alterIdentMetadata (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData ident, const IndexDescriptor *desc) |
virtual Status | okToRename (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData fromNS, StringData toNS, StringData ident, const RecordStore *originalRecordStore) const |
virtual SnapshotManager * | getSnapshotManager () const |
| Return the SnapshotManager for this KVEngine or NULL if not supported. More...
virtual void | setStableTimestamp (Timestamp stableTimestamp) |
| See StorageEngine::setStableTimestamp More...
virtual void | setInitialDataTimestamp (Timestamp initialDataTimestamp) |
| See StorageEngine::setInitialDataTimestamp More...
virtual void | setOldestTimestampFromStable () |
| See StorageEngine::setOldestTimestampFromStable More...
virtual void | setOldestTimestamp (Timestamp newOldestTimestamp) |
| See StorageEngine::setOldestTimestamp More...
virtual bool | isCacheUnderPressure (OperationContext *opCtx) const |
| See StorageEngine::isCacheUnderPressure() More...
virtual void | setCachePressureForTest (int pressure) |
| See 'StorageEngine::setCachePressureForTest()'. More...
virtual bool | supportsRecoverToStableTimestamp () const |
| See StorageEngine::supportsRecoverToStableTimestamp More...
virtual StatusWith< Timestamp > | recoverToStableTimestamp (OperationContext *opCtx) |
| See StorageEngine::recoverToStableTimestamp More...
virtual boost::optional< Timestamp > | getRecoveryTimestamp () const |
| See StorageEngine::getRecoveryTimestamp More...
virtual boost::optional< Timestamp > | getLastStableCheckpointTimestamp () const |
| See StorageEngine::getLastStableCheckpointTimestamp More...
virtual bool | supportsReadConcernSnapshot () const |
| See StorageEngine::supportsReadConcernSnapshot More...
virtual void | replicationBatchIsComplete () const |
| See StorageEngine::replicationBatchIsComplete() More...
virtual | ~KVEngine () |
| The destructor will never be called from mongod, but may be called from tests. More...