Storage Engine API
mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine Class Referencefinal

#include <wiredtiger_kv_engine.h>

Inheritance diagram for mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine:


class  WiredTigerCheckpointThread
class  WiredTigerJournalFlusher

Public Member Functions

 WiredTigerKVEngine (const std::string &canonicalName, const std::string &path, ClockSource *cs, const std::string &extraOpenOptions, size_t cacheSizeGB, bool durable, bool ephemeral, bool repair, bool readOnly)
virtual ~WiredTigerKVEngine ()
void setRecordStoreExtraOptions (const std::string &options)
void setSortedDataInterfaceExtraOptions (const std::string &options)
virtual bool supportsDocLocking () const
 This must not change over the lifetime of the engine. More...
virtual bool supportsDirectoryPerDB () const
 Returns true if storage engine supports –directoryperdb. More...
virtual bool isDurable () const
virtual bool isEphemeral () const
 Returns true if the KVEngine is ephemeral – that is, it is NOT persistent and all data is lost after shutdown. More...
virtual RecoveryUnitnewRecoveryUnit ()
virtual Status createRecordStore (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData ns, StringData ident, const CollectionOptions &options)
 The create and drop methods on KVEngine are not transactional. More...
virtual std::unique_ptr< RecordStoregetRecordStore (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData ns, StringData ident, const CollectionOptions &options)
 Having multiple out for the same ns is a rules violation; Calling on a non-created ident is invalid and may crash. More...
virtual Status createSortedDataInterface (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData ident, const IndexDescriptor *desc)
virtual SortedDataInterfacegetSortedDataInterface (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData ident, const IndexDescriptor *desc)
virtual Status createGroupedRecordStore (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData ns, StringData ident, const CollectionOptions &options, KVPrefix prefix)
 Create a RecordStore that MongoDB considers eligible to share space in an underlying table with other RecordStores. More...
virtual std::unique_ptr< RecordStoregetGroupedRecordStore (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData ns, StringData ident, const CollectionOptions &options, KVPrefix prefix)
 Get a RecordStore that may share an underlying table with other RecordStores. More...
virtual Status createGroupedSortedDataInterface (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData ident, const IndexDescriptor *desc, KVPrefix prefix)
 Create a SortedDataInterface that MongoDB considers eligible to share space in an underlying table with other SortedDataInterfaces. More...
virtual SortedDataInterfacegetGroupedSortedDataInterface (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData ident, const IndexDescriptor *desc, KVPrefix prefix)
 Get a SortedDataInterface that may share an underlying table with other SortedDataInterface. More...
virtual Status dropIdent (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData ident)
virtual void alterIdentMetadata (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData ident, const IndexDescriptor *desc)
virtual Status okToRename (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData fromNS, StringData toNS, StringData ident, const RecordStore *originalRecordStore) const
virtual int flushAllFiles (OperationContext *opCtx, bool sync)
virtual Status beginBackup (OperationContext *opCtx)
 See StorageEngine::beginBackup for details. More...
virtual void endBackup (OperationContext *opCtx)
 See StorageEngine::endBackup for details. More...
virtual int64_t getIdentSize (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData ident)
virtual Status repairIdent (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData ident)
virtual bool hasIdent (OperationContext *opCtx, StringData ident) const
std::vector< std::string > getAllIdents (OperationContext *opCtx) const
virtual void cleanShutdown ()
 This method will be called before there is a clean shutdown. More...
SnapshotManagergetSnapshotManager () const final
 Return the SnapshotManager for this KVEngine or NULL if not supported. More...
void setJournalListener (JournalListener *jl) final
 Sets a new JournalListener, which is used to alert the rest of the system about journaled write progress. More...
virtual void setStableTimestamp (Timestamp stableTimestamp) override
 See StorageEngine::setStableTimestamp More...
virtual void setInitialDataTimestamp (Timestamp initialDataTimestamp) override
 See StorageEngine::setInitialDataTimestamp More...
virtual void setOldestTimestampFromStable () override
 See StorageEngine::setOldestTimestampFromStable More...
virtual void setOldestTimestamp (Timestamp newOldestTimestamp) override
 See StorageEngine::setOldestTimestamp More...
virtual bool supportsRecoverToStableTimestamp () const override
 See StorageEngine::supportsRecoverToStableTimestamp More...
virtual StatusWith< Timestamp > recoverToStableTimestamp (OperationContext *opCtx) override
 See StorageEngine::recoverToStableTimestamp More...
virtual boost::optional< Timestamp > getRecoveryTimestamp () const override
 See StorageEngine::getRecoveryTimestamp More...
virtual boost::optional< Timestamp > getLastStableCheckpointTimestamp () const override
 Returns a timestamp value that is at or before the last checkpoint. More...
virtual Timestamp getAllCommittedTimestamp () const override
 See StorageEngine::getAllCommittedTimestamp More...
bool supportsReadConcernSnapshot () const final
 See StorageEngine::supportsReadConcernSnapshot More...
int reconfigure (const char *str)
WT_CONNECTION * getConnection ()
void dropSomeQueuedIdents ()
std::list< WiredTigerCachedCursorfilterCursorsWithQueuedDrops (std::list< WiredTigerCachedCursor > *cache)
bool haveDropsQueued () const
void syncSizeInfo (bool sync) const
void startOplogManager (OperationContext *opCtx, const std::string &uri, WiredTigerRecordStore *oplogRecordStore)
void haltOplogManager ()
WiredTigerOplogManagergetOplogManager () const
void replicationBatchIsComplete () const override
 See StorageEngine::replicationBatchIsComplete() More...
bool isCacheUnderPressure (OperationContext *opCtx) const override
 See StorageEngine::isCacheUnderPressure() More...
Timestamp getStableTimestamp () const
 These are timestamp access functions for serverStatus to be able to report the actual snapshot window size. More...
Timestamp getOldestTimestamp () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from mongo::KVEngine
virtual bool supportsDBLocking () const
 This must not change over the lifetime of the engine. More...
virtual bool supportsCappedCollections () const
 This must not change over the lifetime of the engine. More...
virtual void setCachePressureForTest (int pressure)
 See 'StorageEngine::setCachePressureForTest()'. More...
virtual ~KVEngine ()
 The destructor will never be called from mongod, but may be called from tests. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void setInitRsOplogBackgroundThreadCallback (stdx::function< bool(StringData)> cb)
 Sets the implementation for initRsOplogBackgroundThread (allowing tests to skip the background job, for example). More...
static bool initRsOplogBackgroundThread (StringData ns)
 Initializes a background job to remove excess documents in the oplog collections. More...
static void appendGlobalStats (BSONObjBuilder &b)

Static Public Attributes

static const int kDefaultJournalDelayMillis = 100

Private Member Functions

Status _salvageIfNeeded (const char *uri)
void _checkIdentPath (StringData ident)
bool _hasUri (WT_SESSION *session, const std::string &uri) const
std::string _uri (StringData ident) const
Timestamp _calculateHistoryLagFromStableTimestamp (Timestamp stableTimestamp)
 Uses the 'stableTimestamp', the 'targetSnapshotHistoryWindowInSeconds' setting and the current _oldestTimestamp to calculate what the new oldest_timestamp should be, in order to maintain a window of available snapshots on the storage engine from oldest to stable timestamp. More...
void _setOldestTimestamp (Timestamp newOldestTimestamp, bool force)
 Sets the oldest timestamp for which the storage engine must maintain snapshot history through. More...

Private Attributes

WT_EVENT_HANDLER _eventHandler
std::unique_ptr< WiredTigerSessionCache_sessionCache
ClockSource *const _clockSource
stdx::mutex _oplogManagerMutex
std::size_t _oplogManagerCount = 0
std::unique_ptr< WiredTigerOplogManager_oplogManager
std::string _canonicalName
std::string _path
std::string _wtOpenConfig
std::unique_ptr< WiredTigerSizeStorer_sizeStorer
std::string _sizeStorerUri
ElapsedTracker _sizeStorerSyncTracker
bool _durable
bool _ephemeral
const bool _inRepairMode
bool _readOnly
std::unique_ptr< WiredTigerJournalFlusher_journalFlusher
std::unique_ptr< WiredTigerCheckpointThread_checkpointThread
std::string _rsOptions
std::string _indexOptions
stdx::mutex _dropAllQueuesMutex
stdx::mutex _identToDropMutex
std::list< std::string > _identToDrop
Date_t _previousCheckedDropsQueued
std::unique_ptr< WiredTigerSession_backupSession
Timestamp _recoveryTimestamp
WiredTigerFileVersion _fileVersion
stdx::mutex _oldestTimestampMutex
stdx::mutex _stableTimestampMutex
Timestamp _oldestTimestamp
Timestamp _stableTimestamp

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ WiredTigerKVEngine()

mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::WiredTigerKVEngine ( const std::string &  canonicalName,
const std::string &  path,
ClockSource *  cs,
const std::string &  extraOpenOptions,
size_t  cacheSizeGB,
bool  durable,
bool  ephemeral,
bool  repair,
bool  readOnly 

◆ ~WiredTigerKVEngine()

mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::~WiredTigerKVEngine ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ _calculateHistoryLagFromStableTimestamp()

Timestamp mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_calculateHistoryLagFromStableTimestamp ( Timestamp  stableTimestamp)

Uses the 'stableTimestamp', the 'targetSnapshotHistoryWindowInSeconds' setting and the current _oldestTimestamp to calculate what the new oldest_timestamp should be, in order to maintain a window of available snapshots on the storage engine from oldest to stable timestamp.

If the returned Timestamp isNull(), oldest_timestamp should not be moved forward.

◆ _checkIdentPath()

void mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_checkIdentPath ( StringData  ident)

◆ _hasUri()

bool mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_hasUri ( WT_SESSION *  session,
const std::string &  uri 
) const

◆ _salvageIfNeeded()

Status mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_salvageIfNeeded ( const char *  uri)

◆ _setOldestTimestamp()

void mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_setOldestTimestamp ( Timestamp  newOldestTimestamp,
bool  force 

Sets the oldest timestamp for which the storage engine must maintain snapshot history through.

If force is true, oldest will be set to the given input value, unmodified, even if it is backwards in time from the last oldest timestamp (accomodating initial sync).

◆ _uri()

string mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_uri ( StringData  ident) const

◆ alterIdentMetadata()

void mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::alterIdentMetadata ( OperationContext *  opCtx,
StringData  ident,
const IndexDescriptor *  desc 

Reimplemented from mongo::KVEngine.

◆ appendGlobalStats()

void mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::appendGlobalStats ( BSONObjBuilder &  b)

◆ beginBackup()

Status mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::beginBackup ( OperationContext *  opCtx)

See StorageEngine::beginBackup for details.

Reimplemented from mongo::KVEngine.

◆ cleanShutdown()

void mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::cleanShutdown ( )

This method will be called before there is a clean shutdown.

Storage engines should override this method if they have clean-up to do that is different from unclean shutdown. MongoDB will not call into the storage subsystem after calling this function.

There is intentionally no uncleanShutdown().

Implements mongo::KVEngine.

◆ createGroupedRecordStore()

Status mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::createGroupedRecordStore ( OperationContext *  opCtx,
StringData  ns,
StringData  ident,
const CollectionOptions options,
KVPrefix  prefix 

Create a RecordStore that MongoDB considers eligible to share space in an underlying table with other RecordStores.

'prefix' is guaranteed to be 'KVPrefix::kNotPrefixed' when 'groupCollections' is not enabled.

prefixsignals whether the RecordStore may be shared by an underlying table. A prefix of KVPrefix::kNotPrefixed must remain isolated in its own table. Otherwise the storage engine implementation ultimately chooses which RecordStores share a table. Sharing RecordStores belonging to different databases within the same table is forbidden.

Reimplemented from mongo::KVEngine.

◆ createGroupedSortedDataInterface()

Status mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::createGroupedSortedDataInterface ( OperationContext *  opCtx,
StringData  ident,
const IndexDescriptor *  desc,
KVPrefix  prefix 

Create a SortedDataInterface that MongoDB considers eligible to share space in an underlying table with other SortedDataInterfaces.

'prefix' is guaranteed to be 'KVPrefix::kNotPrefixed' when 'groupCollections' is not enabled.

prefixsignals whether the SortedDataInterface (index) may be shared by an underlying table. A prefix of KVPrefix::kNotPrefixed must remain isolated in its own table. Otherwise the storage engine implementation ultimately chooses which indexes share a table. Sharing indexes belonging to different databases is forbidden.

Reimplemented from mongo::KVEngine.

◆ createRecordStore()

virtual Status mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::createRecordStore ( OperationContext *  opCtx,
StringData  ns,
StringData  ident,
const CollectionOptions options 

The create and drop methods on KVEngine are not transactional.

Transactional semantics are provided by the KVStorageEngine code that calls these. For example, drop will be called if a create is rolled back. A higher-level drop operation will only propagate to a drop call on the KVEngine once the WUOW commits. Therefore drops will never be rolled back and it is safe to immediately reclaim storage.

Implements mongo::KVEngine.

◆ createSortedDataInterface()

virtual Status mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::createSortedDataInterface ( OperationContext *  opCtx,
StringData  ident,
const IndexDescriptor *  desc 

Implements mongo::KVEngine.

◆ dropIdent()

Status mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::dropIdent ( OperationContext *  opCtx,
StringData  ident 

Implements mongo::KVEngine.

◆ dropSomeQueuedIdents()

void mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::dropSomeQueuedIdents ( )

◆ endBackup()

void mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::endBackup ( OperationContext *  opCtx)

See StorageEngine::endBackup for details.

Reimplemented from mongo::KVEngine.

◆ filterCursorsWithQueuedDrops()

std::list< WiredTigerCachedCursor > mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::filterCursorsWithQueuedDrops ( std::list< WiredTigerCachedCursor > *  cache)

◆ flushAllFiles()

int mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::flushAllFiles ( OperationContext *  opCtx,
bool  sync 

Reimplemented from mongo::KVEngine.

◆ getAllCommittedTimestamp()

Timestamp mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::getAllCommittedTimestamp ( ) const

◆ getAllIdents()

std::vector< std::string > mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::getAllIdents ( OperationContext *  opCtx) const

Implements mongo::KVEngine.

◆ getConnection()

WT_CONNECTION* mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::getConnection ( )

◆ getGroupedRecordStore()

std::unique_ptr< RecordStore > mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::getGroupedRecordStore ( OperationContext *  opCtx,
StringData  ns,
StringData  ident,
const CollectionOptions options,
KVPrefix  prefix 

Get a RecordStore that may share an underlying table with other RecordStores.

'prefix' is guaranteed to be 'KVPrefix::kNotPrefixed' when 'groupCollections' is not enabled.

prefixdictates the value keys for the RecordStore should be prefixed with to distinguish between RecordStores sharing an underlying table. A value of KVPrefix::kNotPrefixed guarantees the index is the sole resident of the table.

Reimplemented from mongo::KVEngine.

◆ getGroupedSortedDataInterface()

SortedDataInterface * mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::getGroupedSortedDataInterface ( OperationContext *  opCtx,
StringData  ident,
const IndexDescriptor *  desc,
KVPrefix  prefix 

Get a SortedDataInterface that may share an underlying table with other SortedDataInterface.

'prefix' is guaranteed to be 'KVPrefix::kNotPrefixed' when 'groupCollections' is not enabled.

prefixdictates the value keys for the index should be prefixed with to distinguish between indexes sharing an underlying table. A value of KVPrefix::kNotPrefixed guarantees the index is the sole resident of the table.

Reimplemented from mongo::KVEngine.

◆ getIdentSize()

int64_t mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::getIdentSize ( OperationContext *  opCtx,
StringData  ident 

Implements mongo::KVEngine.

◆ getLastStableCheckpointTimestamp()

boost::optional< Timestamp > mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::getLastStableCheckpointTimestamp ( ) const

Returns a timestamp value that is at or before the last checkpoint.

Everything before this value is guaranteed to be persisted on disk and replication recovery will not need to replay documents with an earlier time.

Reimplemented from mongo::KVEngine.

◆ getOldestTimestamp()

Timestamp mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::getOldestTimestamp ( ) const

◆ getOplogManager()

WiredTigerOplogManager* mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::getOplogManager ( ) const

◆ getRecordStore()

virtual std::unique_ptr<RecordStore> mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::getRecordStore ( OperationContext *  opCtx,
StringData  ns,
StringData  ident,
const CollectionOptions options 

Having multiple out for the same ns is a rules violation; Calling on a non-created ident is invalid and may crash.

Implements mongo::KVEngine.

◆ getRecoveryTimestamp()

boost::optional< Timestamp > mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::getRecoveryTimestamp ( ) const

◆ getSnapshotManager()

SnapshotManager* mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::getSnapshotManager ( ) const

Return the SnapshotManager for this KVEngine or NULL if not supported.

Pointer remains owned by the StorageEngine, not the caller.

Reimplemented from mongo::KVEngine.

◆ getSortedDataInterface()

virtual SortedDataInterface* mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::getSortedDataInterface ( OperationContext *  opCtx,
StringData  ident,
const IndexDescriptor *  desc 

Implements mongo::KVEngine.

◆ getStableTimestamp()

Timestamp mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::getStableTimestamp ( ) const

These are timestamp access functions for serverStatus to be able to report the actual snapshot window size.

◆ haltOplogManager()

void mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::haltOplogManager ( )

◆ hasIdent()

bool mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::hasIdent ( OperationContext *  opCtx,
StringData  ident 
) const

Implements mongo::KVEngine.

◆ haveDropsQueued()

bool mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::haveDropsQueued ( ) const

◆ initRsOplogBackgroundThread()

bool mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::initRsOplogBackgroundThread ( StringData  ns)

Initializes a background job to remove excess documents in the oplog collections.

This applies to the capped collections in the local.oplog.* namespaces (specifically for replica sets). Returns true if a background job is running for the namespace.

◆ isCacheUnderPressure()

bool mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::isCacheUnderPressure ( OperationContext *  opCtx) const

◆ isDurable()

virtual bool mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::isDurable ( ) const

Implements mongo::KVEngine.

◆ isEphemeral()

virtual bool mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::isEphemeral ( ) const

Returns true if the KVEngine is ephemeral – that is, it is NOT persistent and all data is lost after shutdown.

Otherwise, returns false.

Implements mongo::KVEngine.

◆ newRecoveryUnit()

RecoveryUnit * mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::newRecoveryUnit ( )

Implements mongo::KVEngine.

◆ okToRename()

Status mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::okToRename ( OperationContext *  opCtx,
StringData  fromNS,
StringData  toNS,
StringData  ident,
const RecordStore originalRecordStore 
) const

Reimplemented from mongo::KVEngine.

◆ reconfigure()

int mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::reconfigure ( const char *  str)

◆ recoverToStableTimestamp()

StatusWith< Timestamp > mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::recoverToStableTimestamp ( OperationContext *  opCtx)

◆ repairIdent()

Status mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::repairIdent ( OperationContext *  opCtx,
StringData  ident 

Implements mongo::KVEngine.

◆ replicationBatchIsComplete()

void mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::replicationBatchIsComplete ( ) const

◆ setInitialDataTimestamp()

void mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::setInitialDataTimestamp ( Timestamp  initialDataTimestamp)

◆ setInitRsOplogBackgroundThreadCallback()

void mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::setInitRsOplogBackgroundThreadCallback ( stdx::function< bool(StringData)>  cb)

Sets the implementation for initRsOplogBackgroundThread (allowing tests to skip the background job, for example).

Intended to be called from a MONGO_INITIALIZER and therefore in a single threaded context.

◆ setJournalListener()

void mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::setJournalListener ( JournalListener jl)

Sets a new JournalListener, which is used to alert the rest of the system about journaled write progress.

Implements mongo::KVEngine.

◆ setOldestTimestamp()

void mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::setOldestTimestamp ( Timestamp  newOldestTimestamp)

◆ setOldestTimestampFromStable()

void mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::setOldestTimestampFromStable ( )

◆ setRecordStoreExtraOptions()

void mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::setRecordStoreExtraOptions ( const std::string &  options)

◆ setSortedDataInterfaceExtraOptions()

void mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::setSortedDataInterfaceExtraOptions ( const std::string &  options)

◆ setStableTimestamp()

void mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::setStableTimestamp ( Timestamp  stableTimestamp)

◆ startOplogManager()

void mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::startOplogManager ( OperationContext *  opCtx,
const std::string &  uri,
WiredTigerRecordStore oplogRecordStore 

◆ supportsDirectoryPerDB()

bool mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::supportsDirectoryPerDB ( ) const

Returns true if storage engine supports –directoryperdb.


Implements mongo::KVEngine.

◆ supportsDocLocking()

bool mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::supportsDocLocking ( ) const

This must not change over the lifetime of the engine.

Implements mongo::KVEngine.

◆ supportsReadConcernSnapshot()

bool mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::supportsReadConcernSnapshot ( ) const

◆ supportsRecoverToStableTimestamp()

bool mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::supportsRecoverToStableTimestamp ( ) const

◆ syncSizeInfo()

void mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::syncSizeInfo ( bool  sync) const

Member Data Documentation

◆ _backupSession

std::unique_ptr<WiredTigerSession> mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_backupSession

◆ _canonicalName

std::string mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_canonicalName

◆ _checkpointThread

std::unique_ptr<WiredTigerCheckpointThread> mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_checkpointThread

◆ _clockSource

ClockSource* const mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_clockSource

◆ _conn

WT_CONNECTION* mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_conn

◆ _dropAllQueuesMutex

stdx::mutex mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_dropAllQueuesMutex

◆ _durable

bool mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_durable

◆ _ephemeral

bool mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_ephemeral

◆ _eventHandler

WT_EVENT_HANDLER mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_eventHandler

◆ _fileVersion

WiredTigerFileVersion mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_fileVersion

◆ _identToDrop

std::list<std::string> mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_identToDrop

◆ _identToDropMutex

stdx::mutex mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_identToDropMutex

◆ _indexOptions

std::string mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_indexOptions

◆ _inRepairMode

const bool mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_inRepairMode

◆ _journalFlusher

std::unique_ptr<WiredTigerJournalFlusher> mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_journalFlusher

◆ _oldestTimestamp

Timestamp mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_oldestTimestamp

◆ _oldestTimestampMutex

stdx::mutex mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_oldestTimestampMutex

◆ _oplogManager

std::unique_ptr<WiredTigerOplogManager> mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_oplogManager

◆ _oplogManagerCount

std::size_t mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_oplogManagerCount = 0

◆ _oplogManagerMutex

stdx::mutex mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_oplogManagerMutex

◆ _path

std::string mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_path

◆ _previousCheckedDropsQueued

Date_t mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_previousCheckedDropsQueued

◆ _readOnly

bool mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_readOnly

◆ _recoveryTimestamp

Timestamp mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_recoveryTimestamp

◆ _rsOptions

std::string mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_rsOptions

◆ _sessionCache

std::unique_ptr<WiredTigerSessionCache> mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_sessionCache

◆ _sizeStorer

std::unique_ptr<WiredTigerSizeStorer> mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_sizeStorer

◆ _sizeStorerSyncTracker

ElapsedTracker mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_sizeStorerSyncTracker

◆ _sizeStorerUri

std::string mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_sizeStorerUri

◆ _stableTimestamp

Timestamp mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_stableTimestamp

◆ _stableTimestampMutex

stdx::mutex mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_stableTimestampMutex

◆ _wtOpenConfig

std::string mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::_wtOpenConfig

◆ kDefaultJournalDelayMillis

const int mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::kDefaultJournalDelayMillis = 100

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: