Storage Engine API
dur_journal.h File Reference
#include <cstdint>

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 Copyright (C) 2014 MongoDB Inc.


void mongo::dur::journalCleanup (bool log=false)
 at termination after db files closed & fsynced also after recovery closes and removes journal files More...
void mongo::dur::journalMakeDir (ClockSource *cs, int64_t serverStartMs)
 assure journal/ dir exists. More...
uint64_t mongo::dur::generateNextSeqNumber (ClockSource *cs, int64_t serverStartMs)
 Generates the next sequence number for use in the journal, guaranteed to be greater than all prior sequence numbers. More...
void mongo::dur::setLastSeqNumberWrittenToSharedView (uint64_t seqNumber)
 Informs the journaling system that all writes on or before the passed in sequence number have been written to the data files' shared mmap view. More...
void mongo::dur::journalingFailure (const char *msg)
 this should be called when something really bad happens so that we can flag appropriately More...
unsigned long long mongo::dur::journalReadLSN ()
 called during recovery (the error message text below assumes that) More...
bool mongo::dur::haveJournalFiles (bool anyFiles)
 never throws More...
void mongo::dur::WRITETOJOURNAL (const JSectHeader &h, const AlignedBuilder &uncompressed)
 write (append) the buffer we have built to the journal and fsync it. More...
void mongo::dur::notifyPreDataFileFlush ()
 Call these before (pre) and after (post) the datafiles are flushed to disk by the DataFileSync thread. More...
void mongo::dur::notifyPostDataFileFlush ()


const long long mongo::dur::ExtraKeepTimeMs = 10000