Storage Engine API
sorted_data_interface_test_harness.h File Reference
#include <initializer_list>
#include <memory>
#include "mongo/db/jsobj.h"
#include "mongo/db/operation_context_noop.h"
#include "mongo/db/record_id.h"
#include "mongo/db/service_context.h"
#include "mongo/db/service_context_noop.h"
#include "mongo/db/storage/sorted_data_interface.h"
#include "mongo/db/storage/test_harness_helper.h"
#include "mongo/stdx/memory.h"
#include "mongo/util/unowned_ptr.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  mongo::SortedDataInterfaceHarnessHelper


 Copyright (C) 2014 MongoDB Inc.


const RecordId mongo::loc1 (0, 42)
const RecordId mongo::loc2 (0, 44)
const RecordId mongo::loc3 (0, 46)
const RecordId mongo::loc4 (0, 48)
const RecordId mongo::loc5 (0, 50)
const RecordId mongo::loc6 (0, 52)
const RecordId mongo::loc7 (0, 54)
const RecordId mongo::loc8 (0, 56)
void mongo::insertToIndex (unowned_ptr< OperationContext > opCtx, unowned_ptr< SortedDataInterface > index, std::initializer_list< IndexKeyEntry > toInsert)
 Inserts all entries in toInsert into index. More...
void mongo::insertToIndex (unowned_ptr< HarnessHelper > harness, unowned_ptr< SortedDataInterface > index, std::initializer_list< IndexKeyEntry > toInsert)
void mongo::removeFromIndex (unowned_ptr< OperationContext > opCtx, unowned_ptr< SortedDataInterface > index, std::initializer_list< IndexKeyEntry > toRemove)
 Removes all entries in toRemove from index. More...
void mongo::removeFromIndex (unowned_ptr< HarnessHelper > harness, unowned_ptr< SortedDataInterface > index, std::initializer_list< IndexKeyEntry > toRemove)
std::unique_ptr< SortedDataInterfaceHarnessHelper > mongo::newSortedDataInterfaceHarnessHelper ()


const BSONObj mongo::key0 = BSON("" << 0)
const BSONObj mongo::key1 = BSON("" << 1)
const BSONObj mongo::key2 = BSON("" << 2)
const BSONObj mongo::key3 = BSON("" << 3)
const BSONObj mongo::key4 = BSON("" << 4)
const BSONObj mongo::key5 = BSON("" << 5)
const BSONObj mongo::key6 = BSON("" << 6)
const BSONObj mongo::compoundKey1a
const BSONObj mongo::compoundKey1b
const BSONObj mongo::compoundKey1c
const BSONObj mongo::compoundKey1d
const BSONObj mongo::compoundKey2a
const BSONObj mongo::compoundKey2b
const BSONObj mongo::compoundKey2c
const BSONObj mongo::compoundKey3a
const BSONObj mongo::compoundKey3b
const BSONObj mongo::compoundKey3c