Cmongo::AlignedBuilder | Page-aligned BufBuilder |
Cmongo::Partitioned< AssociativeContainer, nPartitions, KeyPartitioner >::All | Used to protect access to all partitions of this partitioned associative structure |
Cmongo::AlignedBuilder::AllocationInfo | |
Cmongo::dur::Already< Prime > | Bitmap to remember things we have already marked for journaling |
Cmongo::dur::Already< 127 > | |
Cmongo::ArtificialTreeBuilder< OnDiskFormat > | Tool to construct custom tree shapes for tests |
Cmongo::AutoAcquireFlushLockForMMAPV1Commit | This explains how the MMAP V1 durability system is implemented |
Cmongo::AutoYieldFlushLockForMMAPV1Commit | At global synchronization points, such as drop database we are running under a global exclusive lock and without an active write unit of work, doing changes which require global commit |
►CBackgroundJob | |
Cmongo::DataFileSync | Does background async flushes of mmapped files |
Cmongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::WiredTigerCheckpointThread | |
Cmongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::WiredTigerJournalFlusher | |
►CBasicCommand | |
Cmongo::JournalLatencyTestCmd | |
Cmongo::BsonRecord | |
Cmongo::BtreeBucket< Version > | |
Cmongo::BtreeBucketV0 | This structure represents header data for a btree bucket |
Cmongo::BtreeBucketV1 | |
Cmongo::BtreeLayoutV0 | |
Cmongo::BtreeLayoutV1 | |
Cmongo::BtreeLogic< BtreeLayout > | This is the logic for manipulating the Btree |
Cmongo::BtreeLogic< BtreeLayoutType > | |
Cmongo::BtreeLogic< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::BtreeLogicTestBase< BtreeLayoutType > | This class is made friend of BtreeLogic so we can add whatever private method accesses we need to it, to be used by the tests |
►Cmongo::BtreeLogicTestBase< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::BalanceOneLeftToRight< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::BalanceOneRightToLeft< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::BalanceSingleParentKey< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::BalanceSingleParentKeyPackParent< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::BalanceSplitParent< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::BalanceThreeLeftToRight< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::BalanceThreeRightToLeft< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::CantMergeLeftNoMerge< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::CantMergeRightNoMerge< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::DelEmptyEmptyNeighbors< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::DelEmptyNoNeighbors< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::DelInternal< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::DelInternalPromoteKey< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::DelInternalPromoteRightKey< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::DelInternalReplacementNextNonNull< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::DelInternalReplacementPrevNonNull< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::DelInternalReplaceRight< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::DelInternalReplaceWithUnused< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::DelInternalSplitPromoteLeft< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::DelInternalSplitPromoteRight< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::DontMergeSingleBucket< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::DontReuseUnused< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::DuplicateKeys< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::ForceMergeLeft< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::ForceMergeRight< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::LocateEmptyForward< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::LocateEmptyReverse< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::MergeBucketsDelInternal< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::MergeBucketsDontReplaceHead< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::MergeBucketsRightNull< OnDiskFormat > | |
►Cmongo::MergeBucketsTestBase< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::MergeBucketsLeft< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::MergeBucketsRight< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::MergeOption< OnDiskFormat > | |
►Cmongo::MergeSizeTestBase< OnDiskFormat > | |
►Cmongo::MergeLeftEmpty< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::BalanceLeftEmpty< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::MergeMinLeftEmpty< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::MergeMinRightEmpty< OnDiskFormat > | |
►Cmongo::MergeRightEmpty< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::BalanceRightEmpty< OnDiskFormat > | |
►Cmongo::MergeSizeJustRightLeft< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::MergeSizeLeft< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::MergeSizeRightTooBig< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::NoMergeBelowMarkLeft< OnDiskFormat > | |
►Cmongo::NoMoveAtLowWaterMarkLeft< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::MoveBelowLowWaterMarkLeft< OnDiskFormat > | |
►Cmongo::MergeSizeJustRightRight< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::MergeSizeLeftTooBig< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::MergeSizeRight< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::NoMergeBelowMarkRight< OnDiskFormat > | |
►Cmongo::NoMoveAtLowWaterMarkRight< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::MoveBelowLowWaterMarkRight< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::MissingLocate< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::MissingLocateMultiBucket< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::PackedDataSizeEmptyBucket< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::PackEmptyBucket< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::ParentMergeNonRightToLeft< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::ParentMergeNonRightToRight< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::PreferBalanceLeft< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::PreferBalanceRight< OnDiskFormat > | |
►Cmongo::RebalancedSeparatorBase< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::EvenRebalanceCenter< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::EvenRebalanceLeft< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::EvenRebalanceLeftCusp< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::EvenRebalanceRight< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::EvenRebalanceRightCusp< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::OddRebalanceCenter< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::OddRebalanceLeft< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::OddRebalanceRight< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::RebalanceEmptyLeft< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::RebalanceEmptyRight< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::RecursiveMerge< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::RecursiveMergeDoubleRightBucket< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::RecursiveMergeRightBucket< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::RecursiveMergeThenBalance< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::SERVER983< OnDiskFormat > | Validates that adding keys incrementally produces buckets, which are 90%/10% full |
Cmongo::SimpleCreate< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::SimpleInsertDelete< OnDiskFormat > | |
►Cmongo::SplitUnevenBucketBase< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::SplitLeftHeavyBucket< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::SplitRightHeavyBucket< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::BtreeLogicTestHelper< OnDiskFormat > | This structure encapsulates a Btree and all the infrastructure needed by it (head manager, record store and a valid disk location to use by the tests) |
Cmongo::BtreeLogicTestHelper< BtreeLayoutType > | |
Cmongo::dur::JournalWriter::Buffer | Stores the memory and the header for a complete journal buffer which is pending to be written by the journal writer thread |
Cmongo::dur::BufferGuard | Used inside the journal writer thread to ensure that used buffers are cleaned up properly |
Cmongo::dur::BufReaderY | |
Cmongo::BtreeLogic< BtreeLayout >::Builder | |
Cmongo::ExtentManager::CacheHint | |
►Cmongo::CappedCallback | When a capped collection is modified (delete/insert/etc) then certain notifications need to be made, which this (pure virtual) interface exposes |
Cmongo::Collection | This is NOT safe through a yield right now |
►Cmongo::Collection::Impl | |
Cmongo::CollectionImpl | |
Cmongo::CollectionMock | This class comprises a mock Collection for use by UUIDCatalog unit tests |
Cmongo::CollectionImpl | |
Cmongo::CollectionMock | This class comprises a mock Collection for use by UUIDCatalog unit tests |
Cmongo::CappedInsertNotifier | Queries with the awaitData option use this notifier object to wait for more data to be inserted into the capped collection |
►Cmongo::RecoveryUnit::Change | A Change is an action that is registerChange()'d while a WriteUnitOfWork exists |
Cmongo::BtreeLogic< BtreeLayout >::Builder::SetRightLeafLocChange< BtreeLayout > | |
Cmongo::DatabaseImpl::AddCollectionChange | |
Cmongo::DatabaseImpl::RemoveCollectionChange | |
Cmongo::EphemeralForTestRecordStore::InsertChange | |
Cmongo::EphemeralForTestRecordStore::RemoveChange | |
Cmongo::EphemeralForTestRecordStore::TruncateChange | |
Cmongo::IndexCatalogEntryImpl::SetHeadChange | |
Cmongo::KVCatalog::AddIdentChange | |
Cmongo::KVCatalog::RemoveIdentChange | |
Cmongo::KVCollectionCatalogEntry::AddIndexChange | |
Cmongo::KVCollectionCatalogEntry::RemoveIndexChange | |
Cmongo::KVDatabaseCatalogEntryBase::AddCollectionChange | |
Cmongo::KVDatabaseCatalogEntryBase::RemoveCollectionChange | |
Cmongo::KVStorageEngine::RemoveDBChange | |
Cmongo::MMAPV1DatabaseCatalogEntry::EntryInsertion | Registers the insertion of a new entry in the _collections cache with the RecoveryUnit, allowing for rollback |
Cmongo::MMAPV1DatabaseCatalogEntry::EntryRemoval | Registers the removal of an entry from the _collections cache with the RecoveryUnit, delaying actual deletion of the information until the change is commited |
Cmongo::MobileRecordStore::DataSizeChange | Keeps track of the total data size |
Cmongo::MobileRecordStore::NumRecsChange | Keeps track of the changes to the number of records |
Cmongo::MultiIndexBlockImpl::CleanupIndexesVectorOnRollback | On rollback in init(), cleans up _indexes so that ~MultiIndexBlock doesn't try to clean up _indexes manually (since the changes were already rolled back) |
Cmongo::MultiIndexBlockImpl::SetNeedToCleanupOnRollback | On rollback sets MultiIndexBlockImpl::_needToCleanup to true |
Cmongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::DataSizeChange | |
Cmongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::NumRecordsChange | |
Cmongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::OplogStones::InsertChange | |
Cmongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::OplogStones::TruncateChange | |
►Cmongo::CollectionCatalogEntry | |
►Cmongo::BSONCollectionCatalogEntry | This is a helper class for any storage engine that wants to store catalog information as BSON |
Cmongo::KVCollectionCatalogEntry | |
Cmongo::NamespaceDetailsCollectionCatalogEntry | |
Cmongo::CollectionInfoCache | This is for storing things that you want to cache about a single collection life cycle is managed for you from inside Collection |
Cmongo::Lock::CollectionLock | Collection lock with support for document-level locking |
Cmongo::CollectionOptions | |
Cmongo::dur::CommitJob | Tracks all write operations on the private view so they can be journaled |
Cmongo::CommitNotifier | Establishes a synchronization point between threads |
Cmongo::CompactOptions | |
Cmongo::CompactStats | |
Cmongo::DurRecoveryUnit::Write::compareEnd | |
Cmongo::CounterOps | Operations for manipulating the lock statistics abstracting whether they are atomic or not |
Cmongo::SortedDataInterface::Cursor | Navigates over the sorted data |
Cmongo::EphemeralForTestRecordStore::Data | |
►Cmongo::DatabaseCatalogEntry | |
►Cmongo::KVDatabaseCatalogEntryBase | |
Cmongo::KVDatabaseCatalogEntry | |
Cmongo::KVDatabaseCatalogEntryMock | |
Cmongo::MMAPV1DatabaseCatalogEntry | |
Cmongo::DatabaseHolder | Registry of opened databases |
Cmongo::DataFile | |
Cmongo::DataFileHeader | |
Cmongo::DataFileVersion | |
Cmongo::DataProtector | Performs an implementation specific transformation on a series of input buffers to produce a protected form of their concatenated contents |
►CDBException | |
Cmongo::WriteConflictException | This is thrown if during a write, two or more operations conflict with each other |
Cmongo::Lock::DBLock | Database lock with support for collection- and document-level locking |
Cmongo::DeadlockDetector | Iteratively builds the wait-for graph, starting from a given blocked Locker and stops either when all reachable nodes have been checked or if a cycle is detected |
►CDecorable | |
Cmongo::Database | Represents a logical database containing Collections |
Cmongo::DeferredWriter | Provides an interface for asynchronously adding to a collection |
Cmongo::DeletedRecord | |
Cmongo::DisableDocumentValidation | Disables document validation on a single OperationContext while in scope |
Cmongo::DisableDocumentValidationIfTrue | Disables document validation while in scope if the constructor is passed true |
Cmongo::DiskLoc | Disk location/offset on disk in a database |
Cmongo::DiskLoc56Bit | A variant of DiskLoc Used by the V1 bucket type |
►Cmongo::DocWriter | Allows inserting a Record "in-place" without creating a copy ahead of time |
Cmongo::CompactDocWriter | |
Cmongo::DummyDocWriter | |
Cmongo::dur::DurableInterface | |
►Cmongo::dur::DurOp | DurOp - Operations we journal that aren't just basic writes |
Cmongo::dur::DropDbOp | Record drop of a database |
Cmongo::dur::FileCreatedOp | Indicates creation of a new file |
Cmongo::DeadlockDetector::Edges | |
Cmongo::EncryptionHooks | |
Cmongo::Lock::GlobalLock::EnqueueOnly | |
Cmongo::MMAPV1DatabaseCatalogEntry::Entry | |
Cmongo::RecordAccessTracker::Entry | |
Cmongo::KVCatalog::Entry | |
Cmongo::EphemeralForTestRecordStore::EphemeralForTestRecord | |
►CExportedServerParameter | |
Cmongo::ExportedMaxIndexBuildMemoryUsageParameter | |
Cmongo::Extent | |
Cmongo::DummyExtentManager::ExtentInfo | |
►Cmongo::ExtentManager | ExtentManager basics |
Cmongo::DummyExtentManager | |
Cmongo::MmapV1ExtentManager | ExtentManager basics |
Cmongo::NamespaceDetails::Extra | |
Cmongo::StorageEngine::Factory | The interface for creating new instances of storage engines |
►Cmongo::ExtentManager::Factory | |
Cmongo::MmapV1ExtentManager::Factory | |
Cmongo::FastMapNoAlloc< KeyType, ValueType > | NOTE: This structure should not be used for anything other than the Lock Manager |
Cmongo::FastMapNoAlloc< ResourceId, LockRequest > | |
Cmongo::KVCatalog::FeatureTracker::FeatureBits | |
Cmongo::KVCatalog::FeatureTracker | Manages the contents of a document in the KVCatalog used to restrict downgrade compatibility |
Cmongo::FileAllocator | |
Cmongo::FileOp | |
Cmongo::MmapV1ExtentManager::FilesArray | Simple wrapper around an array object to allow append-only modification of the array, as well as concurrent read-accesses |
Cmongo::FixedWidthKey< LocType > | This is the fixed width data component for storage of a key within a bucket |
►CFlushable | |
Cmongo::PosixFlushable | |
Cmongo::WindowsFlushable | |
Cmongo::MongoFile::Flushable | Flushable has to fail nicely if the underlying object gets killed |
Cmongo::ForceSupportsDocLocking | |
Cmongo::BtreeLogic< BtreeLayout >::FullKey | This is an in memory wrapper for the variable length data associated with a KeyHeaderType |
►Cmongo::Lock::GlobalLock | Global lock |
Cmongo::Lock::GlobalRead | Global shared lock |
Cmongo::Lock::GlobalWrite | Global exclusive lock |
Cmongo::GlobalLockAcquisitionTracker | The GlobalLockAcquisitionTracker keeps track of if the global lock has ever been taken in X or IX mode |
►Cmongo::HarnessHelper | Sets up an OperationContext with a Recovery Unit |
Cmongo::RecordStoreHarnessHelper | |
Cmongo::RecoveryUnitHarnessHelper | |
►Cmongo::SortedDataInterfaceHarnessHelper | |
Cmongo::MobileIndexTestHarnessHelper | |
Chash< mongo::ResourceId > | |
►Cmongo::HeadManager | An abstraction for setting and getting data about the 'head' of an index |
Cmongo::HeadManagerImpl | |
Cmongo::TestHeadManager | Simple head manager, which performs no validity checking or persistence |
Cmongo::HealthLog | The interface to the local healthlog |
►Cmongo::IndexCatalog::IndexIterator::Impl | |
Cmongo::IndexCatalogImpl::IndexIteratorImpl | |
►Cmongo::IndexCatalog::Impl | |
Cmongo::IndexCatalogImpl | How many: 1 per Collection |
►Cmongo::IndexCatalogEntry::Impl | |
Cmongo::IndexCatalogEntryImpl | |
►Cmongo::DatabaseHolder::Impl | |
Cmongo::DatabaseHolderImpl | Registry of opened databases |
Cmongo::DatabaseHolderMock | Registry of opened databases |
►Cmongo::MultiIndexBlock::Impl | |
Cmongo::MultiIndexBlockImpl | Builds one or more indexes |
►Cmongo::CollectionInfoCache::Impl | |
Cmongo::CollectionInfoCacheImpl | This is for storing things that you want to cache about a single collection life cycle is managed for you from inside Collection |
►Cmongo::Database::Impl | |
Cmongo::DatabaseImpl | Represents a logical database containing Collections |
Cmongo::IndexCatalogImpl::IndexBuildBlock | Disk creation order 1) system.indexes entry 2) collection's NamespaceDetails a) info + head b) _indexBuildsInProgress++ 3) indexes entry in .ns file 4) system.namespaces entry for index ns |
Cmongo::IndexCatalog | How many: 1 per Collection |
Cmongo::IndexCatalogEntry | |
Cmongo::IndexCatalogEntryContainer | |
Cmongo::IndexConsistency | |
Cmongo::IndexDetails | |
Cmongo::IndexEntryComparison | Compares two different IndexKeyEntry instances |
Cmongo::IndexInfo | The IndexConsistency class is used to keep track of the index consistency |
Cmongo::NamespaceDetails::IndexIterator | |
Cmongo::IndexCatalog::IndexIterator | |
Cmongo::IndexKeyEntry | Represents a single item in an index |
Cmongo::IndexCatalogImpl::IndexKillCriteria | |
Cmongo::BSONCollectionCatalogEntry::IndexMetaData | |
Cmongo::IndexSeekPoint | Describes a query that can be compared against an IndexKeyEntry in a way that allows expressing exclusiveness on a prefix of the key |
Cmongo::MultiIndexBlockImpl::IndexToBuild | |
Cmongo::HeapRecordStoreBtreeRecoveryUnit::InsertEntry | |
Cmongo::DatabaseImpl::iterator | Iterating over a Database yields Collection* pointers |
Cmongo::Database::iterator | Iterating over a Database yields Collection* pointers |
Cmongo::Partitioned< AssociativeContainer, nPartitions, KeyPartitioner >::IteratorEndTag | |
Cmongo::FastMapNoAlloc< KeyType, ValueType >::IteratorImpl< MapType, IteratorValueType, IteratorType > | Forward-only iterator |
Cmongo::dur::JDbContext | Declares "the next entry(s) are for this database / file path prefix" |
Cmongo::dur::JEntry | Individual write operation within a group commit section |
Cmongo::dur::Journal::JFile | |
Cmongo::dur::JHeader | Beginning header for a journal/j._<n> file there is nothing important int this header at this time |
Cmongo::dur::Journal | Writeahead journal for durability |
►Cmongo::JournalListener | This class allows for the storageEngine to alert the rest of the system about journaled write progress |
Cmongo::NoOpJournalListener | The NoOpJournalListener is a trivial implementation of a JournalListener, that does nothing |
Cmongo::JournalSectionCorruptException | Thrown when a journal section is corrupt |
Cmongo::dur::JournalSectionIterator | Read through the memory mapped data of a journal file (journal/j._<n> file) throws |
Cmongo::dur::JournalWriter | Manages the thread and queues used for writing the journal to disk and notify parties with are waiting on the write concern |
Cmongo::dur::JSectFooter | Group commit section footer |
Cmongo::dur::JSectHeader | "Section" header |
Cmongo::KeyBson | Key class for precomputing a small format index key that is denser than a traditional BSONObj |
Cmongo::KeyString | |
►Cmongo::KeyV1 | |
Cmongo::KeyV1Owned | |
Cmongo::KVCatalog | |
►Cmongo::KVEngine | |
Cmongo::DevNullKVEngine | The devnull storage engine is intended for unit and performance testing |
Cmongo::EphemeralForTestEngine | |
Cmongo::MobileKVEngine | |
Cmongo::WiredTigerKVEngine | |
Cmongo::KVHarnessHelper | Creates a harness for generic KVEngine testing of all KVEngine implementations |
Cmongo::KVPrefix | A KVPrefix may be prepended to the keys of entries in an underlying KV store |
Cmongo::KVStorageEngineOptions | |
Cmongo::dur::RecoveryJob::Last | |
Cmongo::LocAndSize | |
Cmongo::Lock | |
Cmongo::LockManager::LockBucket | |
►Cmongo::Locker | Interface for acquiring locks |
►Cmongo::LockerImpl< false > | |
Cmongo::LockerForTests | |
Cmongo::LockerImpl< IsForMMAPV1 > | Interface for acquiring locks |
Cmongo::LockerNoop | Locker, which cannot be used to lock/unlock resources and just returns true for checks for whether a particular resource is locked |
Cmongo::Locker::LockerInfo | Returns information and locking statistics for this instance of the locker |
Cmongo::StorageEngineLockFile::LockFileHandle | |
►Cmongo::LockGrantNotification | Interface on which granted lock requests will be notified |
Cmongo::CondVarLockGrantNotification | Notfication callback, which stores the last notification result and signals a condition variable, which can be waited on |
►Cmongo::TrackingLockGrantNotification | |
Cmongo::LockRequestCombo | |
Cmongo::LockHead | There is one of these objects for each resource that has a lock request |
Cmongo::LockManager | Entry point for the lock manager scheduling functionality |
Cmongo::LockMongoFilesExclusive | |
Cmongo::LockMongoFilesShared | |
►Cmongo::LockRequest | There is one of those entries per each request for a lock |
Cmongo::LockRequestCombo | |
Cmongo::LockRequestList | Simple intrusive list implementation for the lock's granted and conflicting lists |
Cmongo::Locker::LockSnapshot | LockSnapshot captures the state of all resources that are locked, what modes they're locked in, and how many times they've been locked in that mode |
Cmongo::LockStatCounters< CounterType > | Bundle of locking statistics values |
Cmongo::LockStats< CounterType > | Templatized lock statistics management class, which can be specialized with atomic integers for the global stats and with regular integers for the per-locker stats |
Cmongo::LockStats< int64_t > | |
Cmongo::LogFile | |
Cmongo::dur::LSNFile | "last sequence number" |
Cmongo::MAdvise | |
Cmongo::BSONCollectionCatalogEntry::MetaData | |
Cmongo::MMAPV1Options | |
Cmongo::MmapV1RecordHeader | |
Cmongo::HeapRecordStoreBtree::MmapV1RecordHeader | |
Cmongo::MobileDelayedOpQueue | This class manages a queue of operations delayed for some reason |
Cmongo::MobileSession | This class manages a SQLite database connection object |
Cmongo::MobileSessionPool | This class manages a pool of open sqlite3* objects |
Cmongo::HeapRecordStoreBtreeRecoveryUnit::ModEntry | |
►Cmongo::MongoFile | |
►Cmongo::MemoryMappedFile | |
Cmongo::DurableMappedFile | DurableMappedFile adds some layers atop memory mapped files - specifically our handling of private views & such |
Cmongo::MongoFileFinder | Look up a MMF by filename |
Cmongo::MultiIndexBlock | Builds one or more indexes |
Cmongo::Namespace | This is used for storing a namespace on disk in a fixed witdh form and should only be used for that, not for passing internally |
Cmongo::NamespaceDetails | |
Cmongo::NamespaceHashTable | Simple, fixed size hash table used for namespace mapping (effectively the contents of the MMAP V1 .ns file) |
Cmongo::NamespaceIndex | |
Cmongo::NamespaceUUIDCache | |
Cmongo::NamespaceHashTable::Node | |
Cmongo::MmapV1RecordHeader::NP | |
Cmongo::Locker::OneLock | Describes a single lock acquisition for reporting/serialization purposes |
Cmongo::Partitioned< AssociativeContainer, nPartitions, KeyPartitioner >::OnePartition | Used to protect access to a single partition of a Partitioned |
Cmongo::Lock::OplogIntentWriteLock | Like the CollectionLock, but optimized for the local oplog |
Cmongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::OplogStones | |
►COpObserver | |
Cmongo::UUIDCatalogObserver | Class used for updating the UUID catalog on metadata operations |
Cmongo::Lock::ParallelBatchWriterMode | Turn on "parallel batch writer mode" by locking the global ParallelBatchWriterMode resource in exclusive mode |
Cmongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::Params | |
Cmongo::dur::ParsedJournalEntry | |
Cmongo::LockManager::Partition | |
Cmongo::Partitioned< AssociativeContainer, nPartitions, KeyPartitioner > | A templated class used to partition an associative container like a set or a map to increase scalability |
Cmongo::PartitionedLockHead | The PartitionedLockHead allows optimizing the case where requests overwhelmingly use the intent lock modes MODE_IS and MODE_IX, which are compatible with each other |
Cmongo::Partitioner< T > | The default partitioning policy: If using a numeric built-in type, will use the lower bits of a number to decide which partition to assign it to |
Cmongo::LockStats< CounterType >::PerModeLockStatCounters | |
Cmongo::PointerToDurableMappedFile | For durability support we want to be able to map pointers to specific DurableMappedFile objects |
Cmongo::FastMapNoAlloc< KeyType, ValueType >::PreallocEntry | Map entry through which we avoid releasing memory: we mark it as inUse or not |
Cmongo::KeyString::TypeBits::Reader | |
Cmongo::Record | The data items stored in a RecordStore |
Cmongo::RecordAccessTracker | Used to implement likelyInPhysicalMemory() for the MMAP v1 storage engine |
►Cmongo::RecordCursor | Retrieves Records from a RecordStore |
Cmongo::RecordStoreV1Base::IntraExtentIterator | Iterates over all records within a single extent |
Cmongo::RecordStoreV1RepairCursor | This iterator will go over the collection twice - once going forward (first extent -> last extent) and once backwards in an attempt to salvage potentially corrupted or unreachable records |
►Cmongo::SeekableRecordCursor | Adds explicit seeking of records |
Cmongo::CappedRecordStoreV1Iterator | This class iterates over a capped collection identified by 'ns' |
Cmongo::EmptyRecordCursor | |
Cmongo::EphemeralForTestRecordStore::Cursor | |
Cmongo::EphemeralForTestRecordStore::ReverseCursor | |
Cmongo::MobileRecordStore::Cursor | |
Cmongo::SimpleRecordStoreV1Iterator | This class iterates over a non-capped collection identified by 'ns' |
►Cmongo::WiredTigerRecordStoreCursorBase | |
Cmongo::WiredTigerRecordStorePrefixedCursor | |
Cmongo::WiredTigerRecordStoreStandardCursor | |
Cmongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::RandomCursor | |
Cmongo::RecordData | A replacement for the Record class |
►Cmongo::RecordFetcher | Used for yielding while data is fetched from disk |
Cmongo::MmapV1RecordFetcher | |
►Cmongo::RecordStore | An abstraction used for storing documents in a collection or entries in an index |
Cmongo::DevNullRecordStore | |
Cmongo::EphemeralForTestRecordStore | A RecordStore that stores all data in-memory |
Cmongo::HeapRecordStoreBtree | A RecordStore that stores all data on the heap |
Cmongo::MobileRecordStore | A RecordStore that stores all data in SQLite |
►Cmongo::RecordStoreV1Base | |
Cmongo::CappedRecordStoreV1 | |
Cmongo::SimpleRecordStoreV1 | |
►Cmongo::WiredTigerRecordStore | |
Cmongo::PrefixedWiredTigerRecordStore | |
Cmongo::StandardWiredTigerRecordStore | |
Cmongo::RecordStoreCompactAdaptor | |
►Cmongo::RecordStoreV1MetaData | |
Cmongo::DummyRecordStoreV1MetaData | |
Cmongo::NamespaceDetailsRSV1MetaData | |
Cmongo::dur::RecoveryJob | Call go() to execute a recovery from existing journal files |
►Cmongo::RecoveryUnit | A RecoveryUnit is responsible for ensuring that data is persisted |
Cmongo::DurRecoveryUnit | Just pass through to getDur() |
Cmongo::EphemeralForTestRecoveryUnit | |
Cmongo::HeapRecordStoreBtreeRecoveryUnit | A RecoveryUnit for HeapRecordStoreBtree, this is for testing btree only |
Cmongo::MobileRecoveryUnit | |
Cmongo::RecoveryUnitNoop | |
Cmongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit | |
Cmongo::RelativePath | This is very much like a boost::path |
Cmongo::RenameCollectionOptions | Renames the collection from "source" to "target" and drops the existing collection with UUID dropTargetUUID iff "dropTarget" is true |
Cmongo::RepairFileDeleter | |
Cmongo::ResourceId | Uniquely identifies a lockable resource |
►Cmongo::Lock::ResourceLock | General purpose RAII wrapper for a resource managed by the lock manager |
Cmongo::Lock::ExclusiveLock | Obtains a ResourceMutex for exclusive use |
Cmongo::Lock::SharedLock | Obtains a ResourceMutex for shared/non-exclusive use |
Cmongo::Lock::ResourceMutex | For use as general mutex or readers/writers lock, outside the general multi-granularity model |
Cmongo::RecordAccessTracker::Rolling | This contains many slices of times the idea you put mem status in the current time slice and then after a certain period of time, it rolls off so we check again |
Cmongo::dur::Stats::S | |
Cmongo::SavedCursorRegistry::SavedCursor | The destructor ensures the cursor is unregistered when an exception is thrown |
Cmongo::SavedCursorRegistry | Class that stores active cursors that have been saved (as part of yielding) to allow them to be invalidated if the thing they pointed at goes away |
►CServerParameter | |
Cmongo::WiredTigerEngineRuntimeConfigParameter | WT_CONNECTION::reconfigure get/setParameter support |
►CServerStatusMetric | |
Cmongo::MemJournalServerStatusMetric | |
►CServerStatusSection | |
Cmongo::DataFileSync | Does background async flushes of mmapped files |
Cmongo::WiredTigerServerStatusSection | Adds "wiredTiger" to the results of db.serverStatus() |
Cmongo::ShouldNotConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplicationBlock | RAII-style class to opt out of replication's use of ParallelBatchWriterMode |
Cmongo::WiredTigerSizeStorer::SizeInfo | SizeInfo is a thread-safe buffer for keeping track of the number of documents in a collection and their data size |
Cmongo::RecordAccessTracker::Slice | Simple hash map for region -> status this constitutes a single region of time it does chaining, but very short chains |
Cmongo::SnapshotId | |
►Cmongo::SnapshotManager | Manages snapshots that can be read from at a later time |
Cmongo::WiredTigerSnapshotManager | |
Cmongo::Snapshotted< T > | |
►Cmongo::SortedDataBuilderInterface | A version-hiding wrapper around the bulk builder for the Btree |
Cmongo::DevNullSortedDataBuilderInterface | |
►Cmongo::MobileIndex::BulkBuilderBase | |
Cmongo::MobileIndex::BulkBuilderStandard | Bulk builds a non-unique index |
Cmongo::MobileIndex::BulkBuilderUnique | Bulk builds a unique index |
►Cmongo::WiredTigerIndex::BulkBuilder | Base class for WiredTigerIndex bulk builders |
Cmongo::WiredTigerIndex::StandardBulkBuilder | Bulk builds a non-unique index |
Cmongo::WiredTigerIndex::UniqueBulkBuilder | Bulk builds a unique index |
►Cmongo::SortedDataInterface | This interface is a work in progress |
Cmongo::DevNullSortedDataInterface | |
►Cmongo::MobileIndex | |
Cmongo::MobileIndexStandard | |
Cmongo::MobileIndexUnique | |
►Cmongo::WiredTigerIndex | |
Cmongo::WiredTigerIndexStandard | |
Cmongo::WiredTigerIndexUnique | |
Cmongo::SqliteStatement | SqliteStatement is a wrapper around the sqlite3_stmt object |
►CStartupTest | |
Cmongo::CmpUnitTest | |
Cmongo::dur::BufReaderUnitTest | |
Cmongo::IndexUpdateTest | |
Cmongo::dur::Stats | Journaling stats |
Cmongo::NamespaceDetails::Stats | |
Cmongo::StatusWith< T > | |
Cmongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::OplogStones::Stone | |
►Cmongo::StorageEngine | Top level interface for creating a new storage engine |
Cmongo::KVStorageEngine | |
Cmongo::MMAPV1Engine | |
Cmongo::StorageEngineLockFile | |
Cmongo::StorageEngineMetadata | This reads and write the storage engine metadata file 'storage.bson' in the data directory (See –dbpath) |
Cmongo::StorageGlobalParams | |
►CSuite | |
Cmongo::BtreeLogicTestSuite< OnDiskFormat > | |
Cmongo::Lock::TempRelease | NOTE: DO NOT add any new usages of TempRelease |
►CTest | |
CKeyStringTest | |
Cmongo::KVStorageEngineTest | |
Cmongo::ValidateTest | |
Cmongo::WiredTigerUtilMetadataTest | |
►CTest | |
CUUIDCatalogTest | A test fixture that creates a UUID Catalog and Collection* pointer to store in it |
Cmongo::TestStruct | |
Cmongo::IndexCatalog::IndexIterator::TUHook | |
Cmongo::CollectionInfoCache::TUHook | |
Cmongo::MultiIndexBlock::TUHook | |
Cmongo::IndexCatalogEntry::TUHook | |
Cmongo::Database::TUHook | |
Cmongo::IndexCatalog::TUHook | |
Cmongo::Collection::TUHook | |
Cmongo::DatabaseHolder::TUHook | |
Cmongo::KeyString::TypeBits | Encodes info needed to restore the original BSONTypes from a KeyString |
Cmongo::UninterruptibleLockGuard | This class prevents lock acquisitions from being interrupted when it is in scope |
Cmongo::DeadlockDetector::UnprocessedNode | |
►Cmongo::UpdateNotifier | |
Cmongo::Collection | This is NOT safe through a yield right now |
Cmongo::Collection::Impl | |
Cmongo::CollectionImpl | |
Cmongo::CollectionMock | This class comprises a mock Collection for use by UUIDCatalog unit tests |
Cmongo::UUIDCatalog | |
►Cmongo::ValidateAdaptor | This is so when a RecordStore is validating all records it can call back to someone to check if a record is valid |
Cmongo::RecordStoreValidateAdaptor | The record store validate adaptor is used to keep track of the index consistency during a validation that's running |
Cmongo::ValidateAdaptorSpy | |
Cmongo::ValidateResults | |
Cmongo::WiredTigerBeginTxnBlock | When constructed, this object begins a WiredTiger transaction on the provided session |
Cmongo::WiredTigerCachedCursor | |
Cmongo::WiredTigerConfigParser | |
Cmongo::WiredTigerConnection | |
Cmongo::WiredTigerCursor | This is a smart pointer that wraps a WT_CURSOR and knows how to obtain and get from pool |
Cmongo::WiredTigerCustomizationHooks | |
Cmongo::WiredTigerExtensions | |
Cmongo::WiredTigerFileVersion | |
Cmongo::WiredTigerGlobalOptions | |
Cmongo::WiredTigerOplogManager | |
Cmongo::WiredTigerSession | This is a structure that caches 1 cursor for each uri |
Cmongo::WiredTigerSessionCache | This cache implements a shared pool of WiredTiger sessions with the goal to amortize the cost of session creation and destruction over multiple uses |
Cmongo::WiredTigerSessionCache::WiredTigerSessionDeleter | This deleter automatically releases WiredTigerSession objects when no longer needed |
Cmongo::WiredTigerSizeStorer | Serves as a write buffer to durably store size information for MongoDB collections |
Cmongo::WiredTigerUtil | |
Cmongo::WiredTigerUtilHarnessHelper | |
Cmongo::DurRecoveryUnit::Write | These are memory writes inside the mmapv1 mmap-ed files |
Cmongo::dur::WriteIntent | Declaration of an intent to write to a region of a memory mapped view |
Cmongo::WriteUnitOfWork | The WriteUnitOfWork is an RAII type that begins a storage engine write unit of work on both the Locker and the RecoveryUnit of the OperationContext |
Cmongo::WiredTigerUtil::ErrorAccumulator | |
Cmongo::WiredTigerItem | |